søndag den 23. maj 2010

"Cour carrée" ved Louvre

Godt til at slappe af en aften måske?

Some people have seen the Louvre museum a hundred times in their lives. But few people know the “cour carree” as well, this magnificent courtyard in the western wing of the Louvre (from rue de Rivoli). A short trip there is just a cultural must.

You can sit on one of the few benches of the courtyard late at night and stare at the delicate lights on each façade. Bring a glass of wine if you can. During the day, the old Renaissance architecture and its decorative sculptures are a pleasure for the eye as well as the spirit. And If you’re lucky enough, you’ll hear a lonely cellist playing Bach in the background, which makes it a moment of grace and serenity.Quote_transparent

Read more: http://paris.unlike.net/locations/304645-Cour-carr-e-of-the-Louvre-museum#ixzz0olaeZBb1

Rue de l'Amiral Coligny
75001 Paris

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